
Serving our city and loving our neighbor.

Do you know

someone in need?

We know that there are needs in any community that may go unspoken or unnoticed, and our community is no different than any other. We want to find ways to serve our community through one of the things that we do best—making sure that homes are safe and welcoming for the people who live in them. We need your help to make this happen!

You may be aware of a neighbor in need of building assistance—perhaps a family member or friend, or simply someone you have seen in the area, who may not have the resources to address the issue, but the issue is causing significant danger or harm to the person or their family. We’d like to help, where we are able! If this is you, please fill out the form below.

Note: All fields must be filled in in order to be considered, so please ensure all contact information is gathered regarding the circumstance prior to attempting to fill in the form.